Business is Like Poker Game

days ago I had a conversation with Bara. I asked him about what he found after writing essay related to carbon emissions. Carbon emissions becomes first concern of them who focus on environment sustainability. I am not a part of them, I am not Greeta Thunberg who raise her voice and give her best effort for environmental cases but I care enough to a place where I live in.

It does good that business' students learn about Business ethics. It will be much better if they applied what they learned some day later they run business. 

I always wonder what the relation of technology advance and environment sustainability is. when I was in Malang, people who called their selves as environment activist said that advance only creates damage for human being. i.e factory development of Semen Indonesia in Rembang was followed by a lot of protest. demonstration was done not only one or two. Television were enthusiastic to broadcast these actions.

I my self,

I agree that advance creates damages. Jer Basuki Mawa Beya. There is no free lunch. Think that damages is price we have to pay to savor sophistication. But I don't close my eyes that balmy pleasure from advance is not enjoyed by all of people. some layer of society have no hand to touch pleasures creates by advance. Their life are still left behind no matter how advanced technologies is. Poverty in this country is abundant like bacteria. so cosmopolitan. while Nia Ramadhani found herself unable to open her own door at home nor able to peel snake-fruit, others are suffering from hunger. 

it is true. 

we won't be able to make people live a same life in this world. impossible.

it is true.

inequality is not only mitos. it is real. I just think that inequality is something absolute in this earth. even more absolute than math. 2+2 is not only four, depend on what is the two. But inequality is always inequality no matter former, now, or then.

people are just able to decrease or increase it, but will never able to erase it no matter how hard they try. human may creates theories. Liberalism capitalism and else is ways expected to work. it works really but not a hundred percent.

of course it is not valid if I speak these things. but where is it wrong to express our thought?

Carbon Budget

"What did you find?"

"Carbon Budget." he answered

I didn't understand what carbon budget is. All I know is budget in my black pocket haha. Bara then sent me his essay. though it was a failed essay yet I think every writing worth a read. writing an essay should not be essay moreover if it is not written in our mother tongue.

Since I don't get a lot of touch with business then Kantianism, Virtue, and Utilitarianism is totally something new to me. part of their values is business ethics. and carbon emissions is part of business' ethics.

Do not need to explain what carbon budget is. but today, the idea of carbon budget seemingly preferable to be applied in business. in exception they who don't want to pay high cost for just non profitable things.

however, No Carbon No Advance. we have to make choice.

Poker Game

This part of discussion is best. This analogy is quiet good.

Business is like poker game. not only business, I think every part of life is also like a game. not only poker. there will always winner and loser. it is a must. there are only a few who can stand at the top and others are remain low in the valley, in the meadow, in a place km's away from the top.

a motivator once said, let's be on top together. But can we really do that? do they forget that top has no enough space to load all human being at once. The fact is, when there is a winner (on top) there is a loser (on valley). believe it or not, the fact is really like that.

Nor Business Nor Influencer Nor Politician Nor Us, we all need branding

I forget where Bara got this term from: Besides, implementing this view (paying high cost for environment care) could make the company get a good brand image and reputation. 

but it good.


when we are an amateur, what  kind of business should we take to start?


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