What Do We Live For?

Hasil gambar untuk bekerjalah seperti kau hidup selamanya dan beribadahlah seperti kau mati besok

This is the very question disturbs me lately.

We live in this world as if we live forever after. We fight for our dreams. We work day and night. We are so busy to handle our business. Looking for happiness. Accomplish achievements. Collecting prides.

We love and hate. Crying and laugh.

Among of these things, actually what is our first priority?

This question appears some days ago, when I heard an information that one of my roommate when I was in Malang died. She was sick and was beyond help. I know the thing well that every soul should taste death, but still - knowing someone die in a young age is really a thing.

It leads me to a thought then. Right now I am health, happy, and live. But who knows what will happen to me later, tomorrow, and next days. Since age is a secret, since life is a mystery, then no one will know what is waiting for them in the next seconds and in the coming hours.

It does a blessing if we know what do we live for. It is a blessing if a death turns to a reminder for us. At least, if we know we did something wrong in the past we can asking for forgiveness to our God. We can try to minimize our mistake to human being.

We are really a mere human. What should I do then? I choose to have things below.


I once learned a hadith

 إِنَّمَا اْلأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ وَإِنَّمَا لِكُلِّ امْرِئٍ مَا نَوَى

It means that every thing we do is priced by our intention. 

so that no matter what are we doing, the important thing is what our intention is. It is okay if we work for gaining money, we study hard to accomplish achievements, or we do something that it is likely world-oriented. As long as our basic intention is to work, to study, to do things because of Allah, all the things we do is counted as good deed.

Vice versa, if we pray, we give alms, but our intention is to get an admiration and compliment from people - so no matter how good our action looks like, it is still not counted as good deed.

Allah knows what is in our heart. and He is the fairest in the universe.


As a muslim, we are not told to think our life-after needs only, but we are told to prepare our provision for the next life. It is clearly stated in Quran:

Hasil gambar untuk robbana atina fiddunya hasanah wafil akhirati hasanah waqina adzabannar
Based on that verse, and based on Tariqat Syadziliyah  belief, to live in this world means we have to achieve the best thing. Best in behavior, best in knowledge, and if God give us chance - Become a wealth person. 

Become wealth doesn't mean we have to work hard for gaining money for world oriented. become wealth is an interpretation of Rabbana atina fid dunya hasanah. It means we have to live in a good state. Yet we have to keep this in mind: Having a prosperity is different with a state where someone is blinded with money. There is a big difference between these two thing.

there is beautiful word of Tariqat Syadilizah has: Hold the money in your hand, but don't let them inside your heart.

Then, what does the need of having prosperity if we don't love it?

Well. we can't pretend to not know that money will make things easier. If we have prosperity, we can do charity, if we have prosperity, we can build mosque, help others, and do many good things that makes good impact. whether it is  an education need, health need, social demand - as long as we have prosperity insyaallah to have a good deed is easy for us.



Human being is blessed with mouth and brain. we are free to use it for everything. it is like a sword for us. if we wrongly use it we are potential to make someone else hurt. so, i think it is good to think first before talking, to not speak if I am in anger, and beg my self to say bad thing about something. for sure, human is not perfect. we might forget and make mistakes sometimes. but if we are keep trying and trying to do a good thing - Allah will know our effort.

Al Huda, August 5 2019.


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