Some people are good enough to see the (little) flaw of a person while forgetting their own. And it is normal. very normal. Most of people are so.
Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba said "People able to see even just a half of mistake clearly but disable to see million of good side from a person".
here, we underline the word of Doing Mistake. 
Not all of people have sense to tolerate others. What they care is their own needs and tendencies. from 100 percent of human being maybe there is just 10 to 15 percent who is really care to others' problem, the rest just want to know to fulfill their astonish feeling.
So I suggest you to think twice or even three times before telling your problem to someone, particularly someone new that you don't know them about.
If you really need a place to share, just share with your family, your close one, or just write it down on a book. I think it is much more effective than telling your problems to everyone.
Nevertheless, we should not be negative after knowing the fact. Not all people are like that. There are still people who really care although just one or two or three which stay in our circumtance.
The very point is we ought to be one of that good people. we get to stay positive no matter how negative our circumtance is. Keep going ahead even the situation sometimes hurt you a lot.
If some people hate you, just remember you still have other people love you. just focus on that love, not that hate. and keep doing good deed, okay? :)


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